
Managing Risk well is vitally important to the success of your project. Every project has unknowns so you want to identify as many of them as possible. Then you want to
Rank them so you know which ones to give more attention to. Finally you want to plan how you will respond to each high ranking risk, whether immediately, or waiting to see if it comes along.
You may find yourself managing a very complicated and/or very risky project. Fortunately there are Risk Management Tools available to help you. The tools presented here will serve you well in any project. However, you do not need to use every Tool for every project. Instead, select the one or 2 Tools from each process that will work best for your project!
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We will look at Risk Management Tools for the processes of:
Indentify Risks
Qualify Risks
Quantify Risks
Plan Risk Responses
Tools used to Identify Risks are:
Data Gathering, such as:
1. Brainstorming Brainstorming
2. Checklist Analysis Checklist
3. Interviewing experienced Stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SME)
Data Analysis Techniques, such as:
1. Cause & Effect Diagrams Cause & Effect
2. Analysis of Assumptions & Constraints
3. SWOT Analysis S W O T
4. Risk Breakdown Structure RBS
Expert Judgement. Engage other people to help you.
Risk Data Quality Assessment: asks, "How reliable is your Risk data?"
Risk Probability and Impact Assessment: (P x I = Rank)
Risk Categorization: refer (above) to RBS and SWOT categories; and C&E Root Causes
Probability and Impact Matrix: on bottom of This page
Risk Urgency Assessment: (P x I x U = Severity)
Expert Judgement: engage Experts whenever possible
Data Gathering by:
a) Brainstorming Brainstorming
b) Interviewing experienced Stakeholders and SME
c) Focus Groups Focus Groups
d) Questionnaires & Surveys: written, quick, large groups
e) Benchmarking against other organizations
Representations of Uncertainty such as Probability Distribution curves
Data Analysis, including:
a) Simulation, not often used
b) Sensitivity Analysis (Tornado)
c) Decision Tree (Expected Monetary Value)
d) Influence Diagrams Influence
Expert Judgement: engage Experts whenever possible
Every Risk Response will fall into one of 4 Response types. Depending upon whether the Risk is a Threat or an Opportunity, the appropriate Response type will be either:
Avoid or Exploit
Mitigate or Enhance
Transfer or Share
- passive or
- active
"Which one should I choose?" Fortunately there are only 4 steps to follow, and some tools available to help you select your Risk Response:
Step 1: Identify Potential Responses
A number of creativity tools can be used to discover all the potential Responses. These include:
Work done so far in Risk Management.
By the time you get to Planning Risk Responses, the work already done to Identify Risks, Qualify Risks, and Quantify Risks has likely uncovered some good potential Risk Responses.
Step 2: Select Most Appropriate Responses
Usually more than one Response is available to address each Risk. Which one should I choose? You will want to evaluate the likely outcome of enacting each potential Risk Response to select the most appropriate one. Questions to ask include:
Is a Secondary Risk generated by enacting this Response.
Is there a Residual Risk after enacting this Response?
Does this Response go far enough in addressing the Risk?
Is there sufficient certainty that this Response will adequately perform?
Is there an acceptable Cost/Benefit ratio to this response?
A number of decision support tools can be used to select the most appropriate Responses, including:
Influence Diagrams for decisions Influence
Force Field for decision to proceed or not proceed Force Field
Simulation, not often used
Sensitivity Analysis (Tornado)
Decision Tree (Expected Monetary Value)
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis MCDA
Step 3: Plan the Action
The risk Responses should be planned just like a mini-project. Determine Scope, Time, Cost and other important features of the Responses. Set up measureables so you can evaluate the effectiveness of the Risk Response, if enacted. You then integrate these Response Plans into your overall Project Management Plan.
Step 4: Ownership and Responsibility
Every Risk needs an owner. In this step we assign ownership and ensure the owner knows his/her responsibilities. The Risk Owner's responsibilities include:
Watch for Triggers to occur. Make a "Watch List" of Risks and Triggers and check it often.
Enact the selected Risk Response in a timely manner
Measure and assess the effectiveness of the Response
Decide if further actions are required
Report the Risk and Response status